


... for a while now, I've been moving away from digital sound and more towards sound in spoken and written language, esp in writing (long narratives, monologues, poetry etc). 

I have also been working language in stitches. Some images will follow.

Anyhow I wanted to revive this blog as a note taking space to post links I'm interested in collecting together, and ideas I'm working with now. I will post links to  some of my works on here too I guess

I still have a strong interest in slang or slurred, alternative language, outsider speech, stories  etc ... Irish mouth music, ballads and riddles.

This has led me to an interest in fairy tales and how they work on a deep level, both on the psyche but also formally also myths and fables ... anyway here goes.


out there ... songs on conceptual art


"Artists Crystal Baxley and Stefan Ransom created Songs on Conceptual Art by inviting musicians and artists to compose original songs based on Sol LeWitt's Sentences on Conceptual Art. LeWitt's text, originally published in 1969, is one of the most important documents of the Conceptual Art movement. In an effort to expose this essential text to a wider audience, artist John Baldessari improvised melodies to each of the 35 sentences in his 1972 video piece Baldessari Sings LeWitt. Baxley and Ransom’s Songs on Conceptual Art shares Baldessari’s intentions and opens new points of access for LeWitt’s Sentences through these musical interpretations."
This is a fantastic collection and wonderful idea, I'm working on a similar project at the moment with Gertrude Stein's sentences from her text Two: ... so very inspiring. Love a good out there song.


Hautology House sound game by severed heads frontman Tom Eliard is fantastic

"On March 1 2013, Adelaide Festival in association with ABC Arts presents Hauntology House, an online 3D music toy created by sound artist and Severed Heads frontman Tom Ellard.
Hauntology House is an interactive online music experience that will be housed on abc.net.au/arts for the duration of Adelaide Festival.

“Here, music is the living space rather than the walls, and in that space lives a collection of machines, animals and tunnels - the ghosts of my musical ideals."

"Music is the heart of all art whether visual or sound; the editing of a film, the composition of a painting, light in a photograph are all musical. The muse is everywhere and it’s churlish to keep a music album trapped in a sleeve or download. I’m not making a new box - I’m saying here’s another way you can go, and there are infinite ways beyond this," says Ellard.

Tom Ellard is currently a media arts lecturer at COFA-UNSW. He has had a significant career as the front man and creative leader of Severed Heads, the seminal Australian electronic group who were the forerunners for pairing electronic music with computer-generated imagery.

From March 1 to April 30 you can access Hauntology House on abc.net.au/arts to reassemble old tape machines, meet manic rabbits and find a purely abstract place where vision and sound act together as music.

Where: abc.net.au/arts
When: Friday 1 March - Tuesday 30 April, 2013
Presented by Adelaide Festival in association with ABC Arts.

Read Tom Ellard's blog about the making of Hauntology House. 

click here


[1973] "Not I" (Samuel Beckett)

... a woman suffering, the unsound sound of it.
the buzzing a dull roar in the skull.



Hobo Code

“The pictographic Hobo Code is a fascinating system of symbols understood among the hobo community. Because hobos weren’t typically welcomed (and were often illiterate), messages left for others in the community had to be easy for hobos to read but look like little more than random markings to everyone else to maintain an element of secrecy. The code features certain elements that appear in more than one symbol, such as the circles and arrows that made up the directional symbols. Hash marks or crossed lines usually meant danger in some form.”