
the vegetable orchestra

fantastic Bob Milne's 4 track mind... seriously !!!

A 4 Track Mind - on RadioLab
It's a story about Bob Milne that you won't believe.
reposted from A Music Long before Listening Blog
Image: Tom Johnson: Syncopated Texture (in Imaginary Music; Paris: Editions 75, 1974)


A repost of a great talk by Disquiet in SanFrancisco-- lovely delicious notions

a repost because the notion of sound as a commentary is just so so interesting ...

Upcoming GAFFTA Talk: “Sound as Commentary”

If you're in San Francisco this week, please consider dropping by the digital-arts organization GAFFTA on Wednesday for a 6:00pm discussion session at which I'll be talking.
I'll be presenting on the subject “Sound as Commentary: Recent Experiments in the Netlabel Remix Community.” It's an overview of such Disquiet.com remix and free-culture projects as the Brian Eno / David Byrne open-source Our Lives in the Bush of Disquiet, and the group-effort sonic activism of Despite the Downturn and Lowlands: A Sigh Collective. I'll be talking about how how sound (both music and sound art) can serve as a central component of online conversation, procedural parallels between curating and editing, and related topics.
Also speaking are musician and sound artist Roddy Schrock (fundamentallysound.org), who has contributed to two Disquiet.com remix projects, and technologist Barry Threw (barrythrew.com). The moderator is Luc Meier, who is the Interdisciplinary Programs Manager at swissnex San Francisco, "a Swiss knowledge outpost for science, education, art and innovation" (swissnexsanfrancisco.org).
Gray Area Foundation for the Arts (GAFFTA) is a tremendous institution in San Francisco, dedicated to fomenting digital culture. It's brought the work of artists such as Zimoun to town, and regularly hosts events on game development, audio synthesis, data visualization, and other such intersections of art and technology. This Wednesday's discussion is cosponsored by GAFFTA and Eyebeam, a New York "art + technology center" with which it shares many overlaps. Schrock is Eyebeam's Associate Director: Creative Residencies.
More on this Wednesday's talk at gaffta.org. It's scheduled to run from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. Cost is listed as follows: "$5 – $20 suggested donation (no one turned away for lack of funds)." posted by Marc Weidenbaum