crisap focuses on...
Sound & Language
There are four main strands to their research into the creative possibilities afforded by the intersections between sound and language.
These are:
1. Practice based research into composition with recorded speech
2. The development and release of free creative software tools specifically designed for working with recordings of spoken word.
3. Publication and dissemination of artists practices with the spoken word.
4. Ways of writing and speaking about sound
In the forthcoming year they will be concentrating on this area of research and have plans for publications, commissions, a software release and a conference.
These are:
1. Practice based research into composition with recorded speech
2. The development and release of free creative software tools specifically designed for working with recordings of spoken word.
3. Publication and dissemination of artists practices with the spoken word.
4. Ways of writing and speaking about sound
In the forthcoming year they will be concentrating on this area of research and have plans for publications, commissions, a software release and a conference.
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