
a bag of books - fav book list

A friend recently asked me what I'm reading, my best book list, that sort of thing and when I shook myself free of the phd mind, (and jet-lag)  I  realized I was still reading 'other' stuff. So heres my list...

My fav... writers in no special order- well there is an order but it doesn't really matter, they are more like a mob of my favorites... like a bag of liquorish all-sorts you cant go wrong.

Gertrude Stein - everything (of course)
Sam Beckett - ditto
Rosemary Waldrop
Gail Scott – My Paris
W. G. Sebald
Laurence Sterne – The Life and Times …
Leslie Scalopino - yes, so sharp, yeikes
William Gass - everything
Faulkner -his focus on sound not image
Anne Carson- everything
Elizabeth Crane - You need to be happy to enter here
Raymond Federman - so sadly missed
Marguerite Duras
Roland Barthes- yep
Carole Maso - the lot
Helene Cixous - White Ink and Ladders on writing
Luce Irigaray- especially her work on love, love, love
Lydia David
Epson – 7 types of Ambiguity
Paul Celan
Joe Brainard – I remember
Lingis - Dangerous Emotions and eeevvverything
David Markson – The Last Novel
Clarice Lispector - everything
Paul C. Metcalf –  Genoa, Wild West, Patagoni, The Middle Passage, Apalache
Kathy Acker- just about everything
Clark Coolidge - yep specially like the work he did with Guston

Heres another list by Raphael Rubinstein 'Gathered, Not Made: A Brief History of Appropriative writing...' that I like alot, mainly because of the serious word play.
Click here

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