
Metaphysics of Sound by Lee Hangjun(Flims)/Hong Chulki(Turnt

Excerpt from the DVD "Expanded Celluloid, Extended Phonograph" (Balloon and Needle, 2008)

by Lee Hangjun (Experimental Filmmaker) and Hong Chulki (Noise Improviser) from South Korea

Advance Praise for ECEP

It is in the spirit of an experience and experiment that Hang Jun Lee's "The Cracked Share" must be viewed. Seized in moments of visual detachment during periods of emotional contact, these images are oxidized residues of fixed light and chemical elements of transformed from living organisms. No plastic expression can ever be more than a residue of the experience and yet, the residue is the recognition of the experience, loss permeates the work and yet somehow the experience endures, recalling the event more or less clearly, like the undisturbed ashes of an object consumed by flames. The recognition of this object, so little representative and so fragile, speaks to us of this artist's isolation. "The Cracked Share" is quite wonderfully dense and visceral in nature ... it looks as though the work has been doubly manipulated organically and digitally, yet the work still retain its organic nature through its alchemical orientation...the sense of visual rhythm is well paced and the appropriated footage of the Astronauts / Pornographic actor /Horse in "The Cracked Share" is wonderfully imaginative and fluid...an ocular alkahest"

Carl E. Brown

I have been waiting for more than 20 years for those who create music and video just like Lee Hangjun and Hong Chulki. Sound and video are eventually mere data. It is impossible for me to believe in the piece of music or the visual work if it doesn't start from this harsh reality because the problem lies in its start. Accordingly, Lee Hangjun and Hong Chulki's work exposes this starting point as it is. They confront and challenge the problem at this point of departure in audio and video.

Otomo Yoshihide

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